My Current State (March 2023) Calendar Organization and Vitamin D Upgrades


At work, we use the calendar a lot. Meetings, 1-1s, lunch time, exercise time, your OOO time, everything is there. Everything is documented and organized. At the same time my own life was not that organized. Other than work, my calendar was empty so I decided to organize my own time too. I divided my days to different projects that I’ve been working on on my free time.

Monday: work on project 1, walk,
Tuesday: work on project 2 and call people,
Wednesday: research how to invest and take action, swim,
Thursday: work on my blog, swim.

I tend to procrastinate a lot in my private life and I’m hoping this will help me fix that. Even if I don’t follow this all the time it will be something like my past self reminding me to do things. If it only works 10% of the time it still a gain.


Me and my wife decided to go to the hospital and do a general check-up. Fortunately everything went well except some vitamin D issues. The doctor told us that this is very common and most people don’t have enough vitamin D, specially in winter. So he prescribed some vitamin D supplements for us. I think being unmotivated, feeling tired all the time and things like these are mostly linked to some missing chemicals in your body. In this case, taking supplements really helped and I feel more motivated and I feel I have more energy to do stuff.


I am curious to see how the calendar + vitamin D supplements will work out in the long run. For now it’s been a couple of weeks and it feels good.

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