more aboutme

This book helped me write my first code on a Commodore 64 when I was 8-9 years old in the year 1991 or 92. I didn’t know how to code in anything, I didn’t even know any English but I was so into this stuff that I copied the code from the book one character at a time and I made a ball bounce on the screen (which was our old TV). That moment probably set what I wanted to do in my life: “Learn anything I could about computers”. Unfortunately, after that moment, I had to wait six more years until I got my hands on my first PC.

This is my first PC (not the actual one)

It was a Pentium 200MHz with 32 Mbs of RAM and a 2Gb hard disk. It had the speakers, the microphone, the mouse with the ball and the 14” monitor. This was like a dream come true for me and I used it to play games like most 14 years old kids would do. Well, apart from playing games I started buying monthly PC magazines and I was installing anything I could find. Photoshop, Paintshop, Winamp and many other random things until we finally had access to the new thing: Internet.


linkedin, github, stackoverflow